Do you…

  • find it difficult to create and keep your writing routine?

  • tend to avoid writing and complete the easier task on your to-do list first, only to find out that there is no time left for writing at the end of the day?

  • feel bad that you are behind your schedule?

  • sometimes feel insecure when it comes to writing?


Writing can be a daunting task. But it does not have to be! Let me show you some tried-and-tested strategies that will make your writing process more enjoyable.

The two-day workshop “The Joy of Writing” is tailored to the needs of early-career researchers, especially PhD students and post-docs, who sometimes struggle with getting their writing done.

You will learn how to:

  • create a sustainable writing routine that suits your writing style and your life

  • plan and organize your writing in a way that leads to reaching your goals

  • keep your motivation throughout your writing project, even in the difficult times

  • feel good about your writing


Workshop “The Joy of Writing”

Writing does not have to be dreadful.

Let’s find your way (back) to the joy of writing!